Mangrove JackScientific Name:Lutjanus argentimaculatus
Other Common Names:Jack, Snapper
Size:Up to 1 m and 12 Kg, but usually much smaller.
Conservation Status:Common, widespread
Coastal swamp areas and lower river reaches, although has been found more than one hundered kilometres inland.
Distribution:This species has a huge range throughout the Indo-Pacific region as well as the Red Sea. In Australia its range includes all northern coastal rivers systems from northern New South Wales, through Queensland, the Gulf of Carpentaria, the Northern Territory into Western Australia as far south as the Ashburton River System.
Little known. Like other fish from its group, mangrove jacks are thought to produce a large number of pelagic eggs, spawning in estuaries.
Diet:Carnivorous, feeding on other fish.
An excellent sport fish. Mangrove jacks respond well to lures cast into heavy cover. The angler needs to exercise authority soon, or risk getting busted off by these fiesty characters. Mangrove jacks out pull many other fish many times their size and are great fun to take.
On the table:
Excellent eating. Any angler returning with a mangrove jack or two will be well received by all!
In the aquarium:
Small mangrove jacks make very attractive and easy to keep aquarium fish. However, due to their aggressive nature, they should be kept alone.